

  • 全能型自助打印机


  • 普通复印可复印营业执照、户口本、结婚证、银行卡、文件等。
  • 二合一复印可将正、反两面复印到一张纸上(比如身份证正反两面)。
  • 三合一复印可将3个不同页复印到一张纸上,比如(身份证正反2面和户口本)。
  • 身份证复印一秒读取身份证信息,快速复印身份证正反面到一张纸上。
  • 手机打印实现微信和手机文件,快速上传并打印。
  • U盘打印实现U盘文件的快速读取和打印。
  • 照片打印实现多张手机照片的快速上传和打印
  • 证件照制作只需要用手机自拍一张照片,扫码上传后,系统能自动抠取背景,更换为不同颜色的底色,并排版成1寸八张或2寸四张的证件照,实现快速打印。
  • 定制开发可根据客户实际需求,进行软件功能的定制开发。


  • 机壳专用定制机壳,尺寸560*560*1550(mm)
  • 屏幕19寸高清电容多点触控屏
  • 工控机高性能主机
  • 高拍仪1000万像素高清品牌高拍仪
  • 身份证读卡器内置公安SAM模块,实现二代身份证非接触式快速读取
  • 打印机EPSON彩色喷墨打印机,可打印黑白、彩色、照片、证件照等
  • 大容量纸盒可选配最多3个大容量纸盒,一次可放置1750张A4纸和50张照片纸
  • 4G路由器可选配工业级4G路由器,联网稳定
  • 其他有线网卡、无线网卡、散热风扇、轮子、前后门锁、5米长线插排


  • 增强自助打印机


  • 普通复印可复印营业执照、户口本、结婚证、银行卡、文件等。
  • 二合一复印可将正、反两面复印到一张纸上(比如身份证正反两面)。
  • 身份证复印一秒读取身份证信息,快速复印身份证正反面到一张纸上。
  • 三合一复印可将3个不同页复印到一张纸上,比如(身份证正反2面和户口本)。
  • 手机打印实现微信和手机文件,快速上传并打印。
  • U盘打印实现U盘文件的快速读取和打印。
  • 照片打印实现多张手机照片的快速上传和打印
  • 证件照制作只需要用手机自拍一张照片,扫码上传后,系统能自动抠取背景,更换为不同颜色的底色,并排版成1寸八张或2寸四张的证件照,实现快速打印。
  • 定制开发可根据客户实际需求,进行软件功能的定制开发。


  • 机壳专用定制机壳,尺寸550*550*1550(mm)
  • 屏幕19寸电容高清多点触控屏
  • 工控机高性能主机
  • 扫描仪A4幅面品牌高速扫描仪
  • 打印机EPSON彩色喷墨打印机,可打印黑白、彩色、照片、证件照等
  • 大容量纸盒可选配最多3个大容量纸盒,一次可放置1750张A4纸和50张照片纸
  • 4G路由器可选配工业级4G路由器,联网稳定
  • 其他有线网卡、无线网卡、散热风扇、轮子、前后门锁、5米长线插排


  • 标准型自助打印机


  • 普通复印可复印营业执照、户口本、结婚证、银行卡、文件等。
  • 二合一复印可将正、反两面复印到一张纸上(比如身份证正反两面)。
  • 手机打印实现微信和手机文件,快速上传并打印。
  • 照片打印实现多张手机照片的快速上传和打印
  • 证件照制作只需要用手机自拍一张照片,扫码上传后,系统能自动抠取背景,更换为不同颜色的底色,并排版成1寸八张或2寸四张的证件照,实现快速打印。
  • 定制开发可根据客户实际需求,进行软件功能的定制开发。


  • 机壳专用定制机壳,尺寸520*520*1250(mm)
  • 工控机高性能主机
  • 打印机EPSON/佳能彩色喷墨打印机,可打印黑白、彩色、照片、证件照等
  • 大容量纸盒可选配EPSON大容量纸盒,一次可放置750张A4纸和50张照片纸
  • 4G路由器可选配工业级4G路由器,联网稳定
  • 其他有线网卡、无线网卡、散热风扇、轮子、前后门锁、5米长线插排


  • 桌面型自助打印机


  • 普通复印可复印营业执照、户口本、结婚证、银行卡、文件等。
  • 二合一复印可将正、反两面复印到一张纸上(比如身份证正反两面)。
  • 手机打印实现微信和手机文件,快速上传并打印。
  • 照片打印实现多张手机照片的快速上传和打印
  • 证件照制作只需要用手机自拍一张照片,扫码上传后,系统能自动抠取背景,更换为不同颜色的底色,并排版成1寸八张或2寸四张的证件照,实现快速打印。
  • 定制开发可根据客户实际需求,进行软件功能的定制开发。


  • 工控机高性能主机
  • 打印机佳能彩色喷墨打印机,可打印黑白、彩色、照片、证件照等
  • 大容量纸盒一次可放置250张A4纸和50张照片纸
  • 4G路由器可选配工业级4G路由器,联网稳定
  • 其他有线网卡、无线网卡、散热风扇、轮子、前后门锁、5米长线插排

You can easily promote your business company.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been industry standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when offs an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only and thnfve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typese ting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 196 with the release Letraset sheets containine and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been industry standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when offs an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only and thnfve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typese and more recently with desktop publishing software.


Service Overview

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been industry standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when offs an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only and thnfve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typese and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been industry standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when offs an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only and thnfve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typese and more recently with desktop publishing software.


How to start this service?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been industry standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when offs an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only and thnfve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typese and more recently with desktop publishing software.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been industry standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when offs an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only and thnfve centuries, but also the leap into electronic typese and more recently with desktop publishing software.